Writing Off a Business Vacation and IRS Guidelines


There are many businessmen who go on business trips and meetings, conferences, conventions and others. But the unlucky part is that, half of their money is spent on travelling, lodging, meals, equipment’s and other miscellaneous business expenses. But one of the good news is that, now they can claim these expenses with the IRS. But there are certain rules and regulations that you should know. Before knowing the rules, you can see here, how to write off a vacation & know more about it. One of the most important rules for claiming business travel expenses during tax filing through the IRS is that, you must travel within the United States.

Strict Standard by IRS 

The IRS has set a rule that, you must do business travel within the United States, if you want to claim business travel expenses during the filing of tax. But, if you have plans to travel abroad, or to another country, then, the IRS has stringent standards for the same i.e. tax deductions. Additionally, you can claim expenses for taxi, car rentals and also 50% on food costs during the business days. Also, the IRS will calculate the number of days that you have spent on business travel. It means your business travel should be, ‘mostly business’. If in between that you are going on a vacation or vacationing the most of the part and one day, you give for business meeting, then the IRS have stringent rules and can also penalize you for filing wrong claims.

Saving the Bills & Receipts 

One of the most important things that you ought to do, while travelling on business is that, you should track all your expenses. Every small receipt, bills, plane tickets and others are important. Besides all of that, not every expense will earn a write-off, but its important that you talk with a tax professional before throwing the bill. Besides all of that, small claims and unexpected deductions will help you to save huge money. Plus, the IRS doesn’t want you to save the bills or receipts that are less than $75. But you can keep the details of the time and date of expenses and to make your work easy, you can use expense tracking software.

Enumerate Your Business Travel Expenses 

Once you clear out and save the receipts & bills that are eligible for deductions, then you have to organize them into different groups. You can categorize them as food, lodging fee, transport, in different folder or one folder and you can write down when and how you have spent on this expenditure, the date and time, and whether paid cash or card. This will greatly help you to be in a good shape during the taxation time or when filing the taxes.