Websites are a great way to promote your business and drive more traffic to your site. However, if you don’t know where to begin, it can be difficult to figure out how to get more customers to come to your site. That’s where an internet marketing agency can help. A trusted digital marketing agency in Lagos can help you optimize your website so that you can drive more customers to your site. Here are some tips for how to do that.

Define Your Website’s Funnel By Knowing Where Your Visitors Came From

Keywords are the foundation of almost all online sales. Users are more likely to click on a website with relevant keywords. If users can’t find what they’re looking for on your site, they’ll just leave without buying anything. So, how do you get the users you want to your site? The front end. The part of your website that your users see. Make sure that each page on your site is relevant to the users who come to your site from that page. This means that you shouldn’t just include the main keywords that are relevant to your site’s audience but also include the search engine keywords and categories that your visitors are most likely to enter when they visit your site.

Use Google Analytics

When you know where your visitors are coming from, you can improve your chances of conversion by analyzing the key performance indicators (KPIs) for each of those visitors. The primary goal of an SEO company in Lagos is to bring as many of these visitors to your site as possible. To do this, they can use Google Analytics to track visitors to your site and their behavior on your site. By entering their IP address and the referring website you linked to, you can see where these people have landed on your site and what they’ve seen. You can also see the keywords they entered while visiting your site and see which of these keywords are leading people to your site.

Don’t Forget About Video Ads

As soon as people see an ad for a product or service, they’re more likely to click on it. This is especially true for video ads, which are often more engaging than other ad types. However, not all video ads are created equal. There are a few different ad types that you need to consider when choosing which video ad type to use on your site. The first and most important decision you must make is the type of ad that you’re using. Each ad type has different optimal placement and efficiency. You can also think of different video ad types as different marketing channels that you’re operating in. You need to decide which marketing channel you want to focus on, and then use the most relevant ad type to push your messages to your audience.

Offer a Better User Experience

When a user clicks on an ad and is taken to a new page, they might have a poor user experience. For example, a video ad might play for 30 seconds before the user is taken to your site. Or, you could have a slow loading site that causes a user to leave early. To prevent these negative user experiences from happening, you need to make sure that each page on your site has a high-quality user experience. The first step to improving your user experience is to make sure that you have the necessary tools and code on your site. The easiest way to do this is to use Google Webmaster Tools. By logging into your Google account, you can see the documents and tools that you’re using on your site and what pages are ranking well for those keywords. You should also consider using the tools that Google provides for you to improve your site’s crawlability and your site’s HTTPS. Both of these factors affect the number of visitors that are able to view your content and buy your products or services.


Keywords are what users see when they visit your page. The more relevant and informative a website’s keyword list is, the more likely users are to click through and buy something from the website. When users see relevant keywords in a Google search, they’re more likely to click on those links and search for products that have those keywords in their search. When these people search for your products or services, you can make more sales, generate more traffic, and acquire new customers. Nowadays, it’s important to pay attention to the keywords that people are using when they’re searching for your products or services. An SEO company in Nigeria can help you get more sales and more traffic, as well as help you to attract new customers.